hinfo is a utility that will display information about a host. It is primarily designed to find the owner of an IP block in order to direct spam complaints to where they may do some good. See http://www.blars.org/hinfo.html. How-To-Repeat: n/a
State Changed From-To: open->feedback [~/ports/NEW/hinfo] edwin@ref5>fetch http://www.blars.org/hinfo-0.93.tar.gz fetch: http://www.blars.org/hinfo-0.93.tar.gz: Forbidden It seems that blars.org is blocking access for the FreeBSD.org system. Please negotiate with the administrators of blars.org to get this lock removed.
Responsible Changed From-To: freebsd-ports-bugs->edwin I'll handle it with the submitter
State Changed From-To: feedback->closed