When using 'portinstall wv' nothing is mention about depending on lynx. however when using 'wvText' it mentions that it can't find lynx so the text output will look bad. I know it's not a required dependancy, but it would be nice to mention lynx as an optional dependancy. Fix: Not yet familiar with how optional dependancies work with the ports. I've seen some ports with otptional make params like ENABLE_THIS_THING=y or something? -- Nick Jennings <nick.jennings@mountainviewdata.com>
Class Changed From-To: sw-bug->update Refile misfiled PR. To the originator: Please do not remove the leading '>' characters from fields like '>Fix:' and do not insert any leading spaces before them. They must start with '>' at the beginning of a line for Gnats to recognise them and do the right stuff. Thanks for your report :)
Responsible Changed From-To: gnats-admin->freebsd-ports Ports stuff.
State Changed From-To: open->closed Commited, thanks!