After the update to scponly 3.4, I noticed that the binary moved from ${LOCALBASE}/sbin to ${LOCALBASE}/bin. I don't mind that change (well, I did, as some users couldn't log in because their shell was set to sbin), but the pkg-plist still says sbin, whilst the port installs in bin. Fix: There're two ways to fix this. The one I prefer is just to change the pkg-plist to say 'bin' instead of 'sbin'. I think the shell is 'better' placed in bin than sbin, as other shells (also those in the base-system) also live in bin. The second approach would be to modify the port's to pop the binary into sbin instead of bin. This would have as advantage that people upgrading wouldn't find users locked out... Dilemma :-) How-To-Repeat: Install shells/scponly. The port will install in ${LOCALBASE}/bin. When using portupgrade to upgrade a previous version, the old version in sbin will vanish, and the new version will appear in bin.
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