Given a one-liner as program code, the following compilation instruction doesn't succeed: $ gcc32 -fprofile-arcs -o xxx xxx.c /var/tmp//ccGqFanl.o(.stab+0x14): undefined reference to `LPBX0' collect2: ld returned 1 exit status The verbose output is attached. The same make script works under Linux with default gcc-3.2. Fix: None known. ktrace(1) didn't offer any hint I could understand. How-To-Repeat: I think you can use any program, but I used: main() { puts("moin."); }
Responsible Changed From-To: freebsd-ports-bugs->gerald Over to Maintainer
State Changed From-To: open->feedback I just committed (what I believe to be) a fix for this problem (by removing another instance of a change that should have been made upstream in the first place). Would you mind testing whether your problem has been solved now?
That works perfectly. Thank you!
State Changed From-To: feedback->closed Closed after positive feedback by original submitter. Thanks for the quick response!