This new port is an experimental reimplementation of Dan Bernstein's daemontools package under the GPL. It currently includes feature-equivalent replacements for argv0, envdir, envuidgid, setlock, setuidgid, softlimit, supervise, svc, svok, svscan, svstat and recordio. It also includes dumblog (a simple multilog replacement), mkservice (a script for automatically creating service directories), anonidentd (an anonimising identd implementation) and ratelimit (a bandwidth-limiting filter along the lines of recordio). It should be noted that this port is *not* a drop-in replacement for daemontools; the internal state files in service directories are different, and the error messages (and a few of the options) aren't quite the same. The author recommends sticking with daemontools in a production environment as this code is still somewhat experimental. Fix: Below is a shar file of the port.
State Changed From-To: open->closed Committed, thanks.