During the transition from imap-uw-2001a to imap-uw-2002 PAM authentication in ipop3d has stopped to work (with the same lines in /etc/pam.conf). After inspection of the sources and debugging I've found the problem: PAM service name for ipop3d has changed from "pop3" to "pop". This change hasn't yet reflected in pkg-message file (rev 1.7) as it show be. Fix: Apply the following patch in /usr/ports/mail/imap-uw: How-To-Repeat: Upgrade from imap-uw-2001a to imap-uw-2002 in configuration which uses PAM, check authentication in ipop3d.
Responsible Changed From-To: freebsd-ports-bugs->anders Assign PR to anders@ at his request.
State Changed From-To: open->closed The PAM service name for ipop3d was not supposed to change. Sorry about that. Fixed (changed it back to pop3), thanks for reporting!