Update to 2.20 - fixed bug reported by Stefano di Sandro <stedis@ulis.it>: in OOP mode (extended access) the obj() method returned the whole config object if the given key does not exist. Now it returns a new empty object. - added patch by David Dick <david_dick@iprimus.com.au> which sets $/ if it is unset. - added patch by David Dick <david_dick@iprimus.com.au> which calls the bindmode() function in case the modules is being used under win32 systems. Read perldoc -f binmode for more informations on this issue. - added feature suggested by Chase Phillips <cmp@uiuc.edu>: the new() method has a new parameter -Tie which takes the name of a Tie class that each new hash should be based off of. This makes it possible to create a config hash with ordered contents across nested structures.
Responsible Changed From-To: freebsd-ports-bugs->sheldonh Over to maintainer
State Changed From-To: open->closed Committed, thanks!