ports changes: - update to cvs version - fix typo - Don't update to 0.6 (cvs snapshot) mod_accounting changes: - Added a placeholder for the request URI (%R) - Added a placeholder for the request status (%S) - Added a placeholder for the client IP (%i) - Added a placeholder for the referrer (%e) - Included russian documentation by NetCross - Fixed segmentation fault when the client let the connection timeout without sending a request (Aleksey E. Shugurov) - Added Makefile to build mod_accounting as a static module (Paul Civati) - Patched set_driver() as per Timo Ballin's suggestion: it should avoid some problems with bugged compilers ;-) - Added plaintext driver (Michael Krelin) - A single DB connection is now used (Maxim Zakharov) note for mod_accounting port user : next version won't enable mysql and postgresql support by default. How-To-Repeat: N/A.
State Changed From-To: open->closed Committed, thanks!