Update devel/p5-DateTime * On platforms like Win32, where we can't find a finite() or isfinite() function/macro, the DateTime::LeapSecond code wasn't being loaded, so many tests failed. Reported by Ron Hill. * The XS code now implements leap second-related calculations. However, this is only used on platforms where we can find a usable finite() or isfinite() function/macro, so it isn't used on Win32. * This distro has now borged the DateTime::LeapSecond module. It is only loaded when the XS leap second code cannot be used. * Other miscellaneous performance improvements. * Adding a duration with delta months to an infinite DateTime was quite broken. Reported by Eugene van der Pijll. Fix: IMPORTANT, this port depended on DateTime::LeapSecond, which has been included in DateTime. devel/p5-DateTime-LeapSecond should be removed from the ports tree. From CPAN : DateTime::LeapSecond -- DEPRECATED: use "DateTime" distribution instead
Responsible Changed From-To: freebsd-ports-bugs->erwin I'll handle this
State Changed From-To: open->closed Committed, thanks!