The command line arguments to upslog in are incorrect. As of nut version 1.4.0, it appears that the upslog requires the ups name to be specified as well as the host name. If the ups name is not specified, upslog just logs 'NA' instead of the actual ups statistics. The upslog man page also doesn't indicate that upslog upsname logfile loginterval is the proper syntax. The example in the man page indicates that the ups should be preceeded by the '-s' flag, the log file by the '-l' flag, and the log inteval by the '-i' flag. Fix: Change the upslog command line in to: ${BIN}/upslog -s myups@localhost -l ${UPSLOG} -i ${UPSLOGINTERVAL}
Responsible Changed From-To: freebsd-ports-bugs->dougb Over to maintainer
State Changed From-To: open->closed Committed, thanks!