The Orbit Visualization Tool is computer software that makes it possible to show satellite orbits in the Earth's magnetospheric field. Software can be used to plan operations or interpret measurements from scientific satellites, to prepare ground-based satellite coordination, or as educational tool in astronomy and geophysics. More information can be found in the user guide: OVT port requires newly submited port ports/57858.
Class Changed From-To: maintainer-update->change-request Fix class
The math/vtk-java port is now in the ports tree, so I hope that ovt port can be added. Hereby I attach the updated version of the port.
Responsible Changed From-To: freebsd-ports-bugs->thierry I'll take it.
Hello, > Synopsis: New port: science/ovt: Orbit Visualization Tool When trying to download the tarball, after a successful registration, I get the following error: 404 Not Found Resource /download/j_security_check not found on this server at <>. Regards, -- Th. Thomas.
This was because your browser did not accept cookies. I added an explicit message saying that the browser should accept cookies on the OVT web site .
Le Mar 23 mar 04 à 15:30:10 +0100, Mykola Khotyaintsev <> écrivait : > This was because your browser did not accept cookies. > I added an explicit message saying that the browser should accept cookies on > the OVT web site . OK, when accepting cookies, I have been able to download the tarball, but there is a checksum mismatch: ===> Extracting for ovt-2.3 >> Checksum mismatch for ovt-2.3_0-src.tar.bz2. Your submitted distinfo says: cat distinfo MD5 (ovt-2.3_0-src.tar.bz2) = bb1d017aa212715218be969827ab8452 The downloaded tarball has: md5 /usr/ports/distfiles/ovt-2.3_0-src.tar.bz2 MD5 (/usr/ports/distfiles/ovt-2.3_0-src.tar.bz2) = d25af53385e4d9b86522cd1bd17f7b7c Note that it has not been damaged during download: this is a valid .bz2 file. Its size is: ls -l /usr/ports/distfiles/ovt-2.3_0-src.tar.bz2 -rw-r--r-- 1 thierry wheel 12949047 23 mar 19:29 /usr/ports/distfiles/ovt-2.3_0-src.tar.bz2 Regards, -- Th. Thomas.
Dear Thierry, I am very sorry for this mistake! The correct md5 checksum should be: MD5 (ovt-2.3_0-src.tar.bz2) = d25af53385e4d9b86522cd1bd17f7b7c SIZE (ovt-2.3_0-src.tar.bz2) = 12949047 Mykola
Le Mar 23 mar 04 à 20:13:36 +0100, Mykola Khotyaintsev <> écrivait : > I am very sorry for this mistake! The correct md5 checksum should be: > > MD5 (ovt-2.3_0-src.tar.bz2) = d25af53385e4d9b86522cd1bd17f7b7c > SIZE (ovt-2.3_0-src.tar.bz2) = 12949047 This port build and runs fine, but I have a suggestion: if you don't mind, I would add the following patch: --- configure.orig Wed Feb 4 11:46:14 2004 +++ configure Tue Mar 23 20:59:04 2004 @@ -2146,7 +2146,7 @@ SHLIB_BUILD_FLAGS="-shared" ;; freebsd*) - CFLAGS="-O3" + CFLAGS="${CFLAGS}" SHLIB_CFLAGS="-fPIC" SHLIB_LD_LIBS="" SHLIB_PREFIX="lib" Reasons: - -O3 may fail on some platforms; - it does not boost performance noticeably; - we have to respect the user's setting. Regards, -- Th. Thomas.
Dear Thierry, Thanks for pointing on that! I have updated the sources file on the OVT web site. MD5 (ovt-2.3_0-src.tar.bz2) = c80cc901f3dea0ddecd42a1f65ce7614 SIZE (ovt-2.3_0-src.tar.bz2) = 13360012 It grew a bit because I've updated some orbital files too. Mykola
Le Mar 23 mar 04 à 22:48:36 +0100, Mykola Khotyaintsev <> écrivait : > I have updated the sources file on the OVT web site. > > MD5 (ovt-2.3_0-src.tar.bz2) = c80cc901f3dea0ddecd42a1f65ce7614 > SIZE (ovt-2.3_0-src.tar.bz2) = 13360012 > > It grew a bit because I've updated some orbital files too. Hmm... When you release another tarball, you should increment a version number. Something like ovt-2.3_1-src.tar.bz2. Yet another suggestion: what about a second CATEGORY "astro" ? Regards, -- Th. Thomas.
State Changed From-To: open->closed Committed (with minor modifications), thanks!