Bug 58071 - p5-Log-Dispatch portversion upgrade patch
Summary: p5-Log-Dispatch portversion upgrade patch
Status: Closed FIXED
Alias: None
Product: Ports & Packages
Classification: Unclassified
Component: Individual Port(s) (show other bugs)
Version: Latest
Hardware: Any Any
: Normal Affects Only Me
Assignee: Anton Berezin
Depends on:
Reported: 2003-10-15 15:30 UTC by James Ainslie
Modified: 2004-03-04 12:39 UTC (History)
0 users

See Also:

p5-Log-Dispatch.patch (1.65 KB, patch)
2003-10-15 15:30 UTC, James Ainslie
no flags Details | Diff

Note You need to log in before you can comment on or make changes to this bug.
Description James Ainslie 2003-10-15 15:30:11 UTC
	New version of this port fixes a number of significant bugs
	and adds important functionality. Significant extracts from
	the changes file follows:

	- Check all system call return values.

	- Fix warning from Log::Dispatch::File if it was loaded after
	Attribute::Handlers.  Reported by Mike Schilli.

	- Switched to Module::Build and removed interactive portion of
	installation process.

	- Log::Dispatch::Email::MailSender was causing Mail::Sender to send
	debug output to STDERR if warning were on.  Now it's not.

	- The close_after_write option didn't actually do anything.  Fixed by
	JAA Klunder.

Fix: Herewith the patch to the port. Note that the patch file;
	files/patch-simpler-Makefile.PL is no longer required
	and can safely be deleted.
Comment 1 Sheldon Hearn freebsd_committer freebsd_triage 2003-10-15 15:32:09 UTC
Responsible Changed
From-To: freebsd-ports-bugs->tobez@FreeBSD.org

Over to maintainer. 

Anton, if you don't have time, but approve, let me know and I'll commit.
Comment 2 Mark Linimon freebsd_committer freebsd_triage 2003-10-15 22:40:43 UTC
Responsible Changed
From-To: tobez@FreeBSD.org->tobez

Fix responsible.
Comment 3 Mark Linimon freebsd_committer freebsd_triage 2004-03-04 12:39:40 UTC
State Changed
From-To: open->closed

Committed, thanks (maintainer timeout: 4 months).