When running "make fetch" in java/jdk14 without the patch files nor the source tarball, a message is displayed with "\n" instead of actual newline characters. Below is an example of the output: ===> jdk-1.4.1p4 : The source distribution exists on your system, but due to\n licensing restrictions you still need to download the\n patchset, bsd-jdk14-patches-4.tar.gz, from\n http://www.eyesbeyond.com/freebsddom/java/jdk14.html.\n Please place the patchset in /usr/ports/distfiles.\n. Fix: I don't have a diff or a coded fix, but maybe replacing the section starting with: ECHO_MSG=/usr/bin/printf IGNORE= :\n\ with an actual printf statement or maybe have separate pkg-message-1[ab] files that contain the text and cat it. How-To-Repeat: Run "make fetch" in java/jdk14 without the required tarballs and/or patches. Makefile version 1.65.
Responsible Changed From-To: freebsd-ports-bugs->phantom Over to maintainer.
State Changed From-To: open->closed Fixed in rev 1.66 of ports/java/jdk14/Makefile. Thanks for report!