Release Name: 1.5.6 Major new features: * I18n framework support Separated language dependent code to tdiary/lang/LANG.rb, skel/*.rhtml.LANG and plugin/LANG/*.rb. In default, you can use English. only setting @lang variable in tdiary.conf to 'en' (00lang.en.rb plugin was obsoleted). Then some plugin was separated main code and language resources. When installing a plugin, you have to notice to language resources in plugin/LANG directory. But now you have not to copy plugin files, because you can select plugins via web browser, see below. * Plugin install from your browser 01sp.rb added into plugin. This is a plugin to "select plugin". You can select plugins you want to use from your browser. Set @options['sp.path'] variablein tdiary.conf to PATH OF PLUGINS, you can find a new preference page. * document site in available as English documentation site of tDiary. Plugin document and Style document will be in this site. You can see it as link in Update form or Select Plugin page. This site is built by Wiki. Please write some documents. Minor new features: * @cache_path support in tdiary.conf. * @referer_day_only in tdiary.conf. * @options['bot'] as search engine robot in tdiary.conf. Fix: === begin cut here === How-To-Repeat: Checked: FreeBSD 4.9-RELEASE FreeBSD FreeBSD 5.1-RELEASE-p10
State Changed From-To: open->closed Committed, thanks. Here's some issues you might want to consider: - %% keywords in pkg-message are expanded only from the port. To make it work with the package, you need to change pkg-message to (or something), make a complete pkg-message in ${WRKDIR} in the build process, and point PKGMESSAGE to it. See other ports that have for reference. - The installer script needs some work to fix with a suEXEC environment. Doing chmod o+rwx ~/public_html/dir causes the suEXEC engine to fail due to it security restrictions. A --suexec option would be nice.