CUPS (common UNIX printing system) has the following configure switches: --with-perl Enable Perl interpreter interface --with-php Enable PHP interpreter interface --with-python Enable Python interpreter interface which neither can be selected by port building tunables. Proposed patch addresses this problem. Also, while stating WANT_AUTOCONF_VER=253 clause in Makefile, CUPS doesn't really need autoconf to be built. Fix: Apply patch below, then cd to print/cups-base and type make WITH_PERL=yes or WITH_PHP=yes or WITH_PYTHON=yes (whatever you might find suitable for your environment). Apply patch: cd /usr/ports patch < /path/to/this_message The patch itself follows. N.B.: I haven't PHP installed, just guessing it has "php" executable, so actual RUN_DEPENDS for WITH_PHP tunable might differ. How-To-Repeat: CVSup the latest print/cups (and print/cups-base) port and try to make cups-base, then break the build at the configure stage, cd to work/cups-* and try ./configure --help. You'll notice the tunables described above.
State Changed From-To: open->feedback Do we really need a knob for WITH_PERL, since we depend on Perl by default? Also, for python, we should use USE_PYTHON, I think.
* Fri, 09 Jan 2004 13:01:40 +0300 - Seva Gluschenko: | Pete Fritchman wrote: | | > Do we really need a knob for WITH_PERL, since we depend on Perl by default? | | Where? I found nothing about default Perl dependency in both | cups/Makefile.common and cups-base/Makefile. And, since FreeBSD 5.x | doesn't have a perl distribution but only perl port, we shouldn't | enforce new CUPS user to use perl anyway if he doesn't need it in general. How about: skull(/usr/ports/print/cups) [1027] > grep PERL5 * Makefile:USE_PERL5= yes Makefile.common:USE_PERL5_RUN= yes | > Also, for python, we should use USE_PYTHON, I think. | | whatever, I don't care. Just named it for convenience. I meant using USE_PYTHON=yes to depend on python instead of putting an explicit *_DEPENDS line. --pete
State Changed From-To: feedback->closed Slightly modified patch committed, thanks!