www/mozilla, www/mozilla-gtk2 & devel/nspr don't build if dns/bind8 is installed with the option PORT_REPLACES_BASE_BIND8: in this case, /usr/include/netdb.h is replaced by an uncompatible file, and you get this kind of error: cc -o prnetdb.o -c -O -pipe -march=pentiumpro -O2 -pipe -ansi -Wall -O2 -fPIC -UDEBUG -DMOZILLA_CLIENT=1 -DNDEBUG=1 -DXP_UNIX=1 -DFREEBSD=1 -DHAVE_BSD_FLOCK=1 -DHAVE_SOCKLEN_T=1 -DHAVE_LCHOWN=1 -DHAVE_STRERROR=1 -D_REENTRANT=1 -D_THREAD_SAFE=1 -DFORCE_PR_LOG -D_PR_PTHREADS -UHAVE_CVAR_BUILT_ON_SEM -D_NSPR_BUILD_ -I/mntports/ports/www/mozilla-gtk2/work/mozilla/dist/include/nspr -I../../../pr/include -I../../../pr/include/private prnetdb.c prnetdb.c:1180: conflicting types for `getprotobyname_r' /usr/include/netdb.h:457: previous declaration of `getprotobyname_r' prnetdb.c:1189: conflicting types for `getprotobynumber_r' /usr/include/netdb.h:459: previous declaration of `getprotobynumber_r' gmake[5]: *** [prnetdb.o] Erreur 1 Fix: I don't know exactly... - Q&D way: just define a CONFLICT between these ports... - "right way": nsprpub/configure already tries to define several _PR_HAVE_GETPROTO_R, but it is not precise enough, and should be patched (but I have not built this patch!). How-To-Repeat: - install bind-base-8.3.7; - try to build www/mozilla or devel/nspr.
Le Ven 23 jan 04 à 0:49:31 +0100, Thierry Thomas <thierry@pompo.net> écrivait : > > >Number: 61756 > >Category: ports > >Synopsis: www/mozilla & devel/nspr conflict with bind-base-8.3.7. Just a related remark: - we often install a JDK and Mozilla on a same machine; - the ports java/jdk* depend on devel/nspr; - Mozilla ports build their own nspr. Would'nt it be safer to let mozilla depend on the external devel/nspr? (mozilla's configure accepts knobs to trigger that) Regards, -- Th. Thomas.
Responsible Changed From-To: freebsd-ports-bugs->gnome gnome is shown as the maintainer of www/mozilla.
State Changed From-To: open->closed These ports will now error out with an informative message if bind has been installed with PORT_REPLACES_BASE_BIND defined.