There is a greylisting patch located here: and has recently been committed to the open tree: it doesn't apply nicely to the current ports version, and it would be a nice addition.
Responsible Changed From-To: freebsd-ports-bugs->mlaier Over to maintainer. linimon adds: this is about mail/spamd, IIUC?
State Changed From-To: open->suspended This will come with a new version as it is in the OpenBSD tree. I will update mail/spamd as soon as OpenBSD tags for 3.5, which is excepted soon. If anyone needs that now and is willing to make the patch fit the 3.4 sources - go ahead and submit!
Here is an update for mail/spamd which I plan to commit. I don't have a spamd setup working at the moment so I can't test and would like to hear if that works for you before committing ... Thanks! -- Max
State Changed From-To: suspended->closed Update committed.