After starting up amarok, the kern.openfiles value begins to rise, until it reaches the maximum value (on my system, 9500). I choose the 'serious' severity, because this can lead to system freeze (recoverable by killing amarok), and a wide range of problems: for instance, it can prevent ipfw from creating new dynamic rules. This is how it looks like on my computer: << Mon Mar 15 03:19 PM>>
Responsible Changed From-To: freebsd-ports-bugs->markus Over to maintainer.
State Changed From-To: open->feedback I have tracked down what caused raising kern.openfiles. Basically the bug you found was triggered by another bug which didn't let the IPC initialize properly (and which wasn't known as well). Below are fixes for both bugs. Just place them into the files-directory of the amarok-port and reinstall amarok. Please let me know, if that solves the problem for you. Markus
State Changed From-To: feedback->closed Patch which solves this committed. Thanks for reporting this bug!