The dns/bind8 and dns/bind84 ports have an option PORT_REPLACES_BASE_BIND8. When installed with this option, they replace /usr/include/netdb.h, but not the referenced libraries (since gethostbyname et al are in /usr/lib/ This causes ports that compile with -D_REENTRANT to fail, since h_errno is redefined to __h_errno, but are not linked against the respective libraries. Fix: Set INCLUDE_PATH= include/bind when PORT_REPLACES_BASE_BIND8. It is not apparent what the advantage or replacing the headers is anyway, since the bind9 ports does not do this. Linking with libbind seems not to be an options, since it is a) hard to determine when this should be done, and b) not easy to insure against getting h_errno and gethostbyname from different libraries. How-To-Repeat: Try to compile the following program with -D_REENTRANT when bind-base-8.3.* or bind84-base-8.4.* is installed: #include <netdb.h> int main() {h_errno = 0; return 0;} > gcc -D_REENTRANT a.c [...] undefined reference to `__h_errno'
Responsible Changed From-To: freebsd-ports-bugs->dOUgb Over to maintainer
Responsible Changed From-To: dOUgb->DougB Make the assignment field match what is in the Makefile.
State Changed From-To: open->analyzed Argh. The problems this is causing now outweigh the benefits from the people who requested that includes be overwritten so that they could use the newly built libbind. I'll work on a compromise this weekend.
Responsible Changed From-To: DougB->dougb canonicalize the capitalization
State Changed From-To: analyzed->closed I just committed a fix for this, thanks.