Bug 64523 - Make samba-libsmbclient subport of samba-devel
Summary: Make samba-libsmbclient subport of samba-devel
Status: Closed FIXED
Alias: None
Product: Ports & Packages
Classification: Unclassified
Component: Individual Port(s) (show other bugs)
Version: Latest
Hardware: Any Any
: Normal Affects Only Me
Assignee: freebsd-ports-bugs (Nobody)
Depends on:
Reported: 2004-03-21 00:00 UTC by Timur I. Bakeyev
Modified: 2004-04-07 17:00 UTC (History)
1 user (show)

See Also:

file.shar (4.27 KB, text/plain)
2004-03-21 00:00 UTC, Timur I. Bakeyev
no flags Details
file.shar (3.38 KB, text/plain)
2004-03-21 00:00 UTC, Timur I. Bakeyev
no flags Details

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Description Timur I. Bakeyev 2004-03-21 00:00:39 UTC
	Ports net/samba-devel and net/samba-libsmbclient both use the same Samba 3,
	share distinfo file and other parts of the build environment.
	From other side, they are potentially open to desync, as maintained by 
	different people and can be updated on a different time, forcing users
	to download two different versions of 10M distribution.
	So, my suggestion is to make libsmbclient port sub-port of samba-devel,
	so the PORTVERSION an distinfo as well as build environment will be in
	sync with each other.

Fix: patch for samba-devel:

patch for samba-libsmbclient:
	Build both of them.
Comment 1 Koop Mast 2004-03-25 19:04:29 UTC
Looks good, please go ahead and commit this.
Comment 2 Pav Lucistnik freebsd_committer freebsd_triage 2004-03-29 20:12:44 UTC
State Changed
From-To: open->closed

Committed, thanks!
Comment 3 Michael Nottebrock 2004-04-07 14:21:36 UTC
There are still issues here:

1.) samba-devel and samba-libsmbclient still conflict with each other, which
doesn't make sense. Having a client library installed must not prevent people
from installing the server. Instead, samba-devel should depend on
samba-libsmbclient and never install the library by itself.

2.) The slave port has stylebugs (see ports/64393).
Comment 4 Timur I. Bakeyev 2004-04-07 16:22:49 UTC
On Wed, 7 Apr 2004 15:21:36 +0200
  Michael Nottebrock <michaelnottebrock@gmx.net> wrote:
>There are still issues here:
>1.) samba-devel and samba-libsmbclient still conflict 
>with each other, which 
>doesn't make sense. Having a client library installed 
>must not prevent people 
>from installing the server.

This is quite compleax question, on my opinion. The 
problem with current approach is that samba-libsmbclient 
installs the most simplistic version of library, bare 
bones, I'd say.

In a sofisticated environment it should get linked against 
at least LDAP and Kerberos libraries, to get wide range of 
ways of authentication. Well, I'm not sure here, would it 
use them or not...

> Instead, samba-devel should 
>depend on 
>samba-libsmbclient and never install the library by 

My point to keep libsmbclient in samba-devel is the one, 
mentioned above, plus expences of double compilation of 
samba tree, which isn't so small. If everyone(who depend 
on libsmbclient) thinks it's ok, we can get rid of client 
library from samba-devel.

>2.) The slave port has stylebugs (see ports/64393).

Hm.. I've looked over the whole PR and didn't find 
anything,  in the slave port, that conflicts with the 
statements there. Contrary, samba-devel itself has 
problems with style and doesn't validate by portlint(but 
thats a separate issue, that involves OPTIONS and 
structure of bsd.ports.mk).

Can you point me, what's wrong with the slave port on your 

Oh, and thanks for the patch for samba-devel!

With regards,
Comment 5 Michael Nottebrock 2004-04-07 16:49:20 UTC
On Wednesday 07 April 2004 17:22, Timur I. Bakeyev wrote:

> >1.) samba-devel and samba-libsmbclient still conflict
> >with each other, which
> >doesn't make sense. Having a client library installed
> >must not prevent people
> >from installing the server.
> This is quite compleax question, on my opinion. The
> problem with current approach is that samba-libsmbclient
> installs the most simplistic version of library, bare
> bones, I'd say.

This can probably be optionalized in the samba-libsmbclient port.

> My point to keep libsmbclient in samba-devel is the one,
> mentioned above, plus expences of double compilation of
> samba tree, which isn't so small. If everyone(who depend
> on libsmbclient) thinks it's ok, we can get rid of client
> library from samba-devel.

We really have to at some point. For example with the current status quo, you 
cannot install samba-devel when you're using KDE - because kdebase depends on 
samba-libsmbclient (as it only uses client functionality) and with that 
installed, the CONFLICTS prevents users from installing samba-devel.

> >2.) The slave port has stylebugs (see ports/64393).
> Hm.. I've looked over the whole PR and didn't find
> anything,  in the slave port, that conflicts with the
> statements there. Contrary, samba-devel itself has
> problems with style and doesn't validate by portlint(but
> thats a separate issue, that involves OPTIONS and
> structure of bsd.ports.mk).
> Can you point me, what's wrong with the slave port on your
> opinion.

I can't - I guess I imagined the errors I saw, forget about it :-}.

   ,_,   | Michael Nottebrock               | lofi@freebsd.org
 (/^ ^\) | FreeBSD - The Power to Serve     | http://www.freebsd.org
   \u/   | K Desktop Environment on FreeBSD | http://freebsd.kde.org