mail/exim is currently forbidden due to overflows and format errors. The project is no longer actively maintained, but security patches have been released by Ulf Harnhammar, who also released the original advisory. Fix: This patch has been copied from as submitted by Ulf Harnhammer. It has been tested on STABLE and CURRENT. Please verify, add the code below as extra patch file to mail/emil/files/ and remove the FORBIDDEN clause of this port. Feel free to educate me about submitting patches if this is not in the desired format. Thank you. How-To-Repeat: See as quoted in the current Makefile for more info
State Changed From-To: open->patched Committed, thanks! I'm going to keep the PR around a bit longer, though, until I'm sure I did everything else that is required (think vuxml).
Responsible Changed From-To: freebsd-ports-bugs->vs Committed, thanks! I'm going to keep the PR around a bit longer, though, until I'm sure I did everything else that is required (think vuxml).
State Changed From-To: patched->closed All clear.