I am working on a chroot jail of apache 1.3 so I wanted to alter the port so all files installed under /home/www. I also wanted to slightly alter the document root. The existing environment variables and config flags in the main makefile needed updating. Fix: Patch available at http://www.websnewworld.com/apachemake.diff How-To-Repeat: Attempt to change the Document Root, or CGI-Bin
Responsible Changed From-To: freebsd-ports-bugs->ache Over to maintainer.
The first diff had some errors. It's been fixed and the diff was reposted to the same URL. James Barrett Infosia Services 615 Wealthy Street SE Grand Rapids, MI 49503 Phone: (616) 454-1612 Fax: (208)361-8249 E-Mail: james@infosia.net
State Changed From-To: open->closed Committed (modified)
For this knob to be really usefull, it should be made available in all apache* ports. Another nice thing would be to make this knob available in other www related ports (like horde, imp, phpmyadmin...) which would make easier chrooting apache. Antoine