Bug 67503 - Bring mail/spamd to more current in order to fix log issue
Summary: Bring mail/spamd to more current in order to fix log issue
Status: Closed FIXED
Alias: None
Product: Ports & Packages
Classification: Unclassified
Component: Individual Port(s) (show other bugs)
Version: Latest
Hardware: Any Any
: Normal Affects Only Me
Assignee: mlaier
Depends on:
Reported: 2004-06-02 22:10 UTC by Xin LI
Modified: 2004-07-18 23:55 UTC (History)
0 users

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Description Xin LI 2004-06-02 22:10:15 UTC
      There is some problem with mail/spamd's log process. It could not log mail from/to/subject when running spamd -v.
      (Please someone assign this PR to mlaier@. My mail server is encounting some problems which blocks me from sending PR so I could not CC him, sorry for inconvience :-) )


Bring spamd.c's rev. 1.65 and 1.66 (say, MFOpenBSD 1.65-1.66) and make a new tarball, or have the patches in mail/spamd/files (I personally suggest the first solution, that's why I did not provided a patch :-) )
How-To-Repeat:       Start spamd with spamd -v (in /etc/rc.conf, with a properly set up), then watch syslogd's output.
Comment 1 Pav Lucistnik freebsd_committer freebsd_triage 2004-06-02 22:28:59 UTC
Responsible Changed
From-To: freebsd-ports-bugs->mlaier

Over to maintainer.
Comment 2 Max Laier 2004-07-16 04:46:04 UTC
Anyone interested in taking over maintainership for this port (mail/spamd)?

I never really used it (in lack of a real mailserver). I would really like 
somebody else to take care off it, as I won't find the time to close this or 
future PRs on it.

From what I know, it should be working with latest pf, but you have to have a 
mounted fdescfs in order to use the greylisting.

Please contact me if you are interested in taking over, thanks.

/"\  Best regards,			| mlaier@freebsd.org
\ /  Max Laier				| ICQ #67774661
 X   http://pf4freebsd.love2party.net/	| mlaier@EFnet
/ \  ASCII Ribbon Campaign		| Against HTML Mail and News
Comment 3 Jason Li 2004-07-17 13:07:13 UTC
On Fri, Jul 16, 2004 at 05:46:04AM +0200, Max Laier wrote:
> Anyone interested in taking over maintainership for this port (mail/spamd)?
> I never really used it (in lack of a real mailserver). I would really like 
> somebody else to take care off it, as I won't find the time to close this or 
> future PRs on it.
> From what I know, it should be working with latest pf, but you have to have a 
> mounted fdescfs in order to use the greylisting.
> Please contact me if you are interested in taking over, thanks.

Ok, thanks for the offer :-)

Xin LI <delphij frontfree net>	http://www.delphij.net/
See complete headers for GPG key and other information.
Comment 4 Jason Li 2004-07-18 22:58:19 UTC
Here is an updated patch:

Index: Makefile
RCS file: /home/ncvs/ports/mail/spamd/Makefile,v
retrieving revision 1.5
diff -u -r1.5 Makefile
--- Makefile	28 Jun 2004 15:44:57 -0000	1.5
+++ Makefile	18 Jul 2004 18:20:59 -0000
@@ -7,37 +7,35 @@
 PORTNAME=	spamd
-MASTER_SITES=	http://pf4freebsd.love2party.net/
+MASTER_SITES=	http://resources.delphij.net/pf/
-MAINTAINER=	mlaier@freebsd.org
+MAINTAINER=	delphij@FreeBSD.org.cn
 COMMENT=	Traps spammers with a very slow smtp-login and return 4xx error
-.if !defined(BATCH) && !defined(PACKAGE_BUILDING)
+USE_BZIP2=	yes
+.include <bsd.port.pre.mk>
+.if ${OSVERSION} < 502117
+IGNORE=		"OpenBSD 3.5 pf/pfctl is necessary for this port to function properly."
+LOCAL_PFCTL=	/sbin/pfctl
+.if !defined(BATCH) && !defined(PACKAGE_BUILDING)
 MAN5=		spamd.conf.5
 MAN8=		spamd.8 spamd-setup.8 spamdb.8 spamlogd.8
 SAMPLE_SPAMD_CONF=	${PREFIX}/etc/spamd.conf.sample
 SAMPLE_SPAMD_RC=	${PREFIX}/etc/rc.d/spamd.sh
-.include <bsd.port.pre.mk>
-.if ${OSVERSION} < 500000
-IGNORE=		"Only for 5.0 and above"
-.if ${OSVERSION} < 502106
-RUN_DEPENDS=	${LOCALBASE}/sbin/pfctl:${PORTSDIR}/security/pf
-LOCAL_PFCTL=	${PREFIX}/sbin/pfctl
-LOCAL_PFCTL=	/sbin/pfctl
Index: distinfo
RCS file: /home/ncvs/ports/mail/spamd/distinfo,v
retrieving revision 1.3
diff -u -r1.3 distinfo
--- distinfo	3 Apr 2004 16:42:37 -0000	1.3
+++ distinfo	18 Jul 2004 18:20:59 -0000
@@ -1,2 +1,2 @@
-MD5 (spamd_3.5.tar.gz) = 1e38e70d7d442c752fb3e0c31d56f6d8
-SIZE (spamd_3.5.tar.gz) = 30669
+MD5 (spamd_3.5.tar.bz2) = e30f1ee8212b31fb4d71b6a8fd7f1204
+SIZE (spamd_3.5.tar.bz2) = 26427
Comment 5 mlaier freebsd_committer freebsd_triage 2004-07-18 23:55:19 UTC
State Changed
From-To: open->closed

Committed, thanks.