[FIX/UPDATE] Fix ZSNES Sound Fix: The 'files' directory, 'pkg-message' and 'files/patch-aa' files have been added with this revision.
Dear maintainer, please review this PR. Volker
State Changed From-To: open->feedback
Responsible Changed From-To: freebsd-ports-bugs->vs Handle
Just want to make sure that the users of this patch are aware that -all- sound issues have not been fixed. The sound performance still lags greatly behind the Linux version. However, this patch makes the sound bearable. The information in the pkg-message stating that this patch brings with it a bug that requires a restart of ZSNES after sound settings have been changed seems not to exist on a recent 5.2-CURRENT. This has only been tested by me on my own FreeBSD desktop. For now, I have submitted a linux-zsnes port. This port has perfect sound and should be removed if we ever completely fix our native sound. This patch does NOT fix all sound issues and therefore linux-zsnes should not be removed by anyone as a result of this patch being committed. Travis Poppe tlp
State Changed From-To: feedback->closed Committed. thanks!