Bug 68522 - WITH_MENUCOLORS update (link with gnuregex lib), and new WITH_MAIL tweak
Summary: WITH_MENUCOLORS update (link with gnuregex lib), and new WITH_MAIL tweak
Status: Closed FIXED
Alias: None
Product: Ports & Packages
Classification: Unclassified
Component: Individual Port(s) (show other bugs)
Version: Latest
Hardware: Any Any
: Normal Affects Only Me
Assignee: freebsd-ports-bugs (Nobody)
Depends on:
Reported: 2004-06-30 17:50 UTC by Jeremy Chadwick
Modified: 2004-07-01 19:52 UTC (History)
0 users

See Also:

file.diff (3.03 KB, patch)
2004-06-30 17:50 UTC, Jeremy Chadwick
no flags Details | Diff

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Description Jeremy Chadwick 2004-06-30 17:50:21 UTC
	Seems my previous WITH_MENUCOLORS patch was good, but did not work on 5.x due to
	missing -lgnuregex during link-time.  Now, using WITH_MENUCOLORS forces -lgnuregex
	regardless of OS (since it's on 4.x and 5.x), just to be safe.  Strange that
	it linked fine on 4.x without -lgnuregex, though...

	I've also added a WITH_MAIL tweak. By default, support for nethack reading an mbox
	spool remains disabled, but some of us appreciate the novelty of having it enabled.
	This shouldn't break people using Maildir, since by default MAIL is off.

	Finally, a note for Volker Stolz <vs@FreeBSD.org> -- I'd be happy to take over
	as MAINTAINER, except that I don't use X11 (GNOME or QT).  If this is a problem
	(it may be; your call as a ports submitter), then it's best to leave it how it
	is.  I *am* the maintainer of games/nethack34-nox11, although my Email address
	needs to be updated there.  :-)  Otherwise, happy to be aboard!

Fix: Apply below patch.
How-To-Repeat: 	Not applicable.
Comment 1 Volker Stolz freebsd_committer freebsd_triage 2004-07-01 19:49:57 UTC
State Changed
From-To: open->closed

Committed, thanks! 
Think about maintainership -- GNOME and QT basically means checking 
tat everything builds and works. There's not much separate logic 
in there.