Set default config file for mail/razor-agents The default place to look for the config file was in /etc/razor, this patch changes that to ${PREFIX}/etc and installs a config file in that location. Fix: New files: files/razor-agent.conf
Responsible Changed From-To: freebsd-ports-bugs->leeym I will handle this PR.
In most cases, the values in system-wide config file will be overwrote by the values in user-specified config file. However, unlike other programs, Razor only read *ONLY ONE* config file: - if ~/.razor/razor-agent.conf exists, use it, otherwise use <razorhome>/razor-agent.conf - write the attributes back into razor-agent.conf if it's writable. if we install the default config file, the user-specified config file will not be created automatically. Try "razor-admin -d -create" for the following 2 cases (by non-root user), and you will see the difference between them. - with <razorhome>/razor-agent.conf and ~/.razor/razor-agent.conf - only ~/.razor/razor-agent.conf will be read. - the attributes will be wrote back into ~/.razor/razor-agent.conf - with <razorhome>/razor-agent.conf buf without ~/.razor/razor-agent.conf - only <razorhome>/razor-agent.conf will be read. - the ~/.razor/razor-agent.conf will not be create. - since <razorhome>/razor-agent.conf isn't writable, it keeps intact. - if a user want to have his own settings, he need to copy <razorhome>/razor-agent.conf to ~/.razor/ and edit it by himself. So, I agree to update <global_razorhome> from "/etc/razor" to "${PREFIX}/etc", but I prefer not to install the default config file. any suggestions? regards, -- Yen-Ming Lee [utf7:+Z05fZWYO] | KeyID:0x5EB52E51 | Taipei, Taiwan
State Changed From-To: open->closed Committed, thanks.