The author of GPSMan (Miguel Filgueiras) released GPSMan 6.1.2 yesterday; the enclosed patch upgrades the FreeBSD port to match. Here's a list of the documented changes: * the user manual explains how GPSMan can be run under the MacOS X system using a USB port; thanks to Mathias Herberts ( * new options: o on using window to control slow operations; in answer to a comment by Paul Scorer ( o on whether polylines on the map should react to mouse events; in answer to a question from John Hay ( o default receiver protocol (Garmin variant only); in answer to questions from users of the NMEA protocol. * new command start travel that launches GPSMan in graphical mode turning on real-time logging, travelling and animation; after a question from John Hay. * in travel mode (Garmin variant only), creating a waypoint whose coordinates are those of the last point in the real-time log; also in answer to a question from John Hay. * new importation format: BGA (British Gliding Association) turnpoint (DOS) files, based on the dos2gpsman script by Paul Scorer (; the script is also part of the GPSMan distribution. * with gpsmanshp version 1.2, items read in from a Shapefile not written by gpsmanshp will have in their remarks any fields of the .dbf file; asked by John Hay. * new separate utility (shape2quadr.tcl) for reading a lines DDD Shapefile and from a list of quadrangles produce GPSMan files one for the set of lines that belong to each quadrangle. Fix: Apply the following patch, then upgrade the port(s in question). How-To-Repeat: n/a
State Changed From-To: open->closed Committed, thanks!