chinese/xsim does not compile when using GCC 3.4 because of an internal change in GCC. Besides, there are several other issues with this port. The patch included fix the following problems: 1. Compilation failure when using GCC 3.4 2. Does not respect ${CFLAGS} 3. Dependancy problem: This port has preference on db4 over db3.3, i.e. when both are present, it uses db4. So change the dependancy from db3.3 to db4. 4. The default installation does not create user settings, which causes write attempt to global settings and the consequent failure confuses users. 5. Locale zh_CN.EUC is not present on 5.x. Swith to zh_CN.eucCN.
Responsible Changed From-To: freebsd-ports-bugs->vanilla I will handle this one.
State Changed From-To: open->closed Committed, thanks.