Some port supports IPv6, however not added ipv6 virtual category in their Makefile indicate IPv6 support: audio/zinf devel/ORBit devel/ORBit2 dns/bind84 dns/pdnsd dns/posadis ftp/lukemftp ftp/proftpd ftp/tnftp games/gtetrinet games/tetrinet games/quake2lnx games/eif irc/bitchx irc/miau irc/muh irc/psybnc irc/unreal java/jdk14 lang/php4 lang/php5 mail/exim mail/mimedefang mail/nail mail/thunderbird multimedia/libxine net/gnunet net/jabber net/trafshow net/ossp-sa net/gnet2 net/libpcap net/tcpdump net/p5-Net-CIDR-Lite net-mgmt/sendip news/leafnode security/openssh security/ftpmap www/dillo www/firefox www/mini_httpd www/mozilla www/mozilla-devel www/retawq www/http_get Needs further testing: devel/nspr net/gtkhx x11/gdm2 Fix: Add virtual category 'ipv6' to Makefile of documented programs above after discussion with maintainers. No need to increade the PORTREVISION, no fuctionality changed. How-To-Repeat: Review the ports about IPv6 compatibility.
State Changed From-To: open->feedback I pruned no longer existing ports and those which now list ipv6. Please discuss the remainder with the respective maintainers #)
State Changed From-To: feedback->closed Feedback timeout. Sorry it didn't work out. I think this is the wrong approach, PRs spanning too much ports never really work out, it seems.