gsfonts ports fail to generate a valid fonts.dir file on FreeBSD-5.X systems. Seems to be a sed problem. To get the port ready for 5.3, I tune the original fonts.dir file to user Adobe foundries and make a copy from ${FILESDIR} I also install the original fonts.dir in fonts.scale.urw I bump the rev. to forze the upgrade an get a valid fons.dir It doesn't affect normal gs use, but make the port 'correct'. I think it's a minor chage on the way to 5.3REL Fix: attached patch can to the work
State Changed From-To: open->closed Committed, thanks!
Just FYI; Previous gsfonts ports used print/p5-type1inst to generate these files. best regards, Pedro. ___________________________________ Scopri Mister Yahoo! - il fantatorneo sul calcio di Yahoo! Sport