This is a security update of samba3 port: Common bugs fixed in 3.0.7 include: ~ o Fixes for two Denial of Service vulnerabalities ~ (CVE ID# CAN-2004-0807 & CAN-2004-0808). ~ o Winbind failure to return user entries under certain ~ conditions. ~ o Syntax errors in the OpenLDAP schema file (samba.schema). ~ o Printing errors caused by not setting default values ~ for the various printing commands. In addition this update addresses PR71541 and removes outdated I18N patch for 3.0.4.
Responsible Changed From-To: freebsd-ports-bugs->trhodes GRAB
Work's fine to me. -- Marcus Grando Grupos Internet S/A marcus(at)
State Changed From-To: open->feedback Patch committed but goofed on samba.schema. Was your intention to remove that file? Feedback requested, thanks Timur!
On Mon, Sep 13, 2004 at 08:41:17PM +0000, Tom Rhodes wrote: > Synopsis: Security update for net/samba3 > > State-Changed-From-To: open->feedback > State-Changed-By: trhodes > State-Changed-When: Mon Sep 13 20:40:37 GMT 2004 > State-Changed-Why: > Patch committed but goofed on samba.schema. Was your intention > to remove that file? Feedback requested, thanks Timur! Yes, the idea was to remove this file, dunno, why it failed :( Oh, I see, that: patch-jerry-homes-reuse_v2 and patch-jerry-winbind_getpwnam_v1 are also remained, but nullified... This files should go away as well! This files were part of a backport of post-3.0.6 changes and now they come with the 3.0.7 distribution itself... Thanks a lot, Tom! With best regards, Timur
Oops, forgot to mentioned - there is no need to bump PORTREVISION after the deletion of the files, as Makefile already don't use them :) With best regards, Timur.
State Changed From-To: feedback->closed Committed a long time ago.