The apache project has released version 2.0.52 of apache2. The FreeBSD ports system currently has a heavily patched 2.0.50 version. Fix: - I have verifified that following patches have been merged to the 2.0.52 apache release. They should be dropped from the ./files directory in the port files/patch-fix-srclib:apr:network_io:unix:sockaddr.c files/patch-secfix-modules:dav:fs:lock.c files/patch-secfix-modules:ssl:ssl_engine_io.c files/patch-secfix-server:utils.c files/patch-secfix-srclib:apr-util:test:testuri.c files/patch-srclib:apr:include:apr_atomic.h files/ - The included documentation has been updated resulting in several changes to the plist. - The pkg-plist file has been updated to generate the Includes directory now referenced in the default configuration. ---patch for port follows below---
Responsible Changed From-To: freebsd-ports-bugs->clement Over to maintainer.
State Changed From-To: open->closed Another update was committed. Thanks for your patch.