IIIMF stands for Internet/Intranet Input Method Framework. IIIMF is designed to be the next generation of input method framework This port provides two input method utility applications for GNOME desktop environments. GIMLET - GNOME Input Method Language Enabling Tool As a gnome-panel applet, this UI is used to select input languages for IIIM client applications (IIIMGCF and IIIMXCF). GIMPET - GNOME Input Method Property Edittingggg Tool As a gnome capplet, this UI is to allow user to customize input methods, for enabling/disabling input method infrastucuture itself, and enabling/disabling input method statur bar and candidate choice window. WWW: http://www.openi18n.org/subgroups/im/IIIMF/ - Kuang-che Wu kcwu@csie.org Generated with FreeBSD Port Tools 0.63
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