SKS is a new OpenPGP keyserver whose goal is to provide easy to deploy, decentralized, and highly reliable synchronization. This FreeBSD port has been tested on -CURRENT en -STABLE.
Responsible Changed From-To: freebsd-ports-bugs->sergei Grab.
Here is an update to the 0.9.0 version of SKS. It is basically the same (all patches remain), but this version actually comes with a manpage. The following diff should apply to the earlier shar archive. Let me know if another format is prefered (or if I should hold my updates untill it actually makes the ports tree). diff -ur sks/Makefile sks/Makefile --- sks/Makefile Thu Oct 28 16:51:31 2004 +++ sks/Makefile Thu Oct 28 16:49:06 2004 @@ -6,7 +6,7 @@ # PORTNAME= sks -PORTVERSION= 1.0.7 +PORTVERSION= 1.0.9 CATEGORIES= security MASTER_SITES= ${MASTER_SITE_SAVANNAH} MASTER_SITE_SUBDIR=sks @@ -19,6 +19,9 @@ LIB_DEPENDS= db41:${PORTSDIR}/databases/db41 USE_GMAKE= yes +MANCOMPRESSED= yes +INSTALL_TARGET= sks.8.gz install MANDIR=${MANPREFIX}/man +MAN8= sks.8 post-patch: @${CP} ${FILESDIR}/sks.numerix.patch ${WRKDIR} diff -ur sks/distinfo sks/distinfo --- sks/distinfo Thu Oct 28 16:51:31 2004 +++ sks/distinfo Thu Oct 28 16:19:55 2004 @@ -1,2 +1,2 @@ -MD5 (sks-1.0.7.tgz) = 886f2ecfc9ef01e2bf5883c65a65daa3 -SIZE (sks-1.0.7.tgz) = 897646 +MD5 (sks-1.0.9.tgz) = 90d42c61de9121aa5102739b2ca6c952 +SIZE (sks-1.0.9.tgz) = 925362
State Changed From-To: open->closed New port added, thanks!