The conversion of received faxes to Postscript or PDF does not work properly. Only a fraction of the original tiff is available for viewing. Fix: Either revert to TIFF-3.6.0/1 or see where there is a discussion about this problem How-To-Repeat: Install Hylafax 4.2.0 from ports
Dear maintainer, please look into this issue. Volker
State Changed From-To: open->feedback Forwarded PR to maintainer
Responsible Changed From-To: freebsd-ports-bugs->dinoex This looks like a TIFF, rather than a HylaFAX problem. There is a simple patch at Over to TIFF's maintainer.
State Changed From-To: feedback->patched A fix is committed.
State Changed From-To: patched->closed no feedback in 4 weeks