This adds support for cvsup* hosts (which is the new place for servers guaranteed to be in the USA) and makes the tld (Top Level Domain) hosts a separate thing. TLD hosts are no longer guaranteed to be in the USA - they are generally reliable servers with good net connectivity and relatively high connection limits but can be anywhere in the world. Fix: See patch below, but I'm not sure how to handle it. I hate to dump it off on you guys because it seems like The Right Thing to do would be get its release files on Sourceforge updated. But I haven't been successful contacting the original maintainer or gotten anything resembling contact info from what's at Sourceforge. So, not quite sure what to do with this... If you need any sort of confirmation this change is valid for the cvsup mirror site structure <cvsup-master at freebsd dot org> can confirm though it might be me that answers... :-) How-To-Repeat: Running with "-c us" currently lists the cvsup* machines which is wrong, should be cvsup* Adding "-c tld" was fallout from fixing that.
State Changed From-To: open->closed Committed, thanks!