Update to version 3.1.6 -- This is a major update to a new code branch, and development on the 3.0 branch will now be limited to critical bug-fixes. From the release announcement: Version 3.1.6 is the first production release of the 3.1 series that is suitable for use with all versions of MySQL, including MySQL-4.1 or MySQL-5.0. Connector/J 3.1.6 is required if you want to use server-side prepared statements MySQL-4.1.2 or newer, or CallableStatements with MySQL-5.0. http://lists.mysql.com/announce/250 Anyone upgrading from the 3.0 series should first read http://dev.mysql.com/doc/connector/j/en/#id2424819 This update adds both a BUILD_DEPENDS and a RUN_DEPENDS on devel/log4j (unless you use the WITHOUT_COMPILE option, where there's only a RUN_DEPENDS) File/Directory Changes Makefile -- modified distinfo -- modified files/ -- added files/patch-build.xml -- added
State Changed From-To: open->closed Committed, thanks!