New port: databases/pear-MDB_QueryTool PEAR OO-interface for easily retrieving and modifying data in a DB PEAR::MDB_QueryTool is an OO-abstraction to the SQL-Query language, it provides methods such as setWhere, setOrder, setGroup, setJoin, etc. to easily build queries. It also provides an easy to learn interface that interacts nicely with HTML-forms using arrays that contain the column data, that shall be updated/added in a DB. This package bases on an SQL-Builder which lets you easily build SQL-Statements and execute them. NB: this is a PEAR::MDB porting from the original DB_QueryTool written by Wolfram Kriesing and Paolo Panto (vision:produktion,
State Changed From-To: open->feedback If you set CATEGORY to DB, it will conflict with the newly added pear-DB_QueryTool: I think that it should be set to MDB. Could you please check it again?
Responsible Changed From-To: freebsd-ports-bugs->thierry I'll handle that.
State Changed From-To: feedback->closed New port added, thanks!