Update spamass-milter port to the official 0.3.0 release. Also applied some additional changes to the port: * Add additional spamass-milter documentation to DOCSDIR. * Update the rc.subr(8) script to be more friendly when sendmail isn't presently running. * Update pkg-message to mention using spamd_flags="-u nobody" so that spamd warnings don't show up in the maillog. * Mention correct path to sa-spamd.sh rc.subr(8) script in activation.txt. * Other changes, see Makefile... Verified to work as expected on FreeBSD 5.4-PRERELEASE. Also: the port maintainer is "ports@freebsd.org". If you need an official maintainer, I can happily maintain this. Fix: Apply below patch. NOTE: Committer should remove files/patch-spamass-milter.cpp. It has been integrated into 0.3.0. How-To-Repeat: n/a
State Changed From-To: open->closed Committed, thanks!