This patch was a part of ports/78516. The file ${PREFIX}/lib/php/pear/.filemap will be update when installing or deinstalling pear packages, so its MD5 checksum will mismatch and fail to remove it when deinstalling a pear package. So, list it in pkg-plist in not enough, please use "@unexec rm ..." instead.
Responsible Changed From-To: freebsd-ports-bugs->ale Over to the maintainer.
.filemap on my system is always a zero-sized file. How can its md5 checksum change? What ports or operations change it? -- Alex Dupre
On Wed, Apr 13, 2005 at 03:52:42PM +0200, Alex Dupre wrote: > .filemap on my system is always a zero-sized file. How can its md5 > checksum change? What ports or operations change it? Yes, when it is just installed by php[45]-pear, it's a empty file. However, when installing or deinstalling other pear-* packages, .filemap will be update by /usr/ports/devel/pear-PEAR/pkg-install, run /usr/local/bin/pear which includes functions in /usr/local/share/pear/bootstrap/PEAR/Registry.php. So, you'll see "install ok: ..." or "uninstall ok: ...." when installing or deinstalling a pear port. please check rebuildFileMap() in Registry.php, it will write serialize()-ed string into filemap, So, ever there is nothing to write, .filemap will become "a:0:{}" after deinstalling everything. If it's not a good idea to removing .filemap by using "@unexec rm ...", please modify Registry.php to avoid write serialized null array into .filemap. Thanks. -- Yen-Ming Lee [utf7:+Z05fZWYO] | KeyID:0x5EB52E51 | Taipei, Taiwan
State Changed From-To: open->closed Fixed, thanks!