Changes from 0.2.0 to 0.2.1 --------------------------- - documentation fixes - display-directx: - bugfix: do not adjust the window with the size of the decorations. Windows no longer get bigger on each and every move. - bugfix: make `ggiWmhGetPos(3)` and `ggiWmhGetSize(3)` return values consistent with any previous calls to `ggi WmhMove(3)` and `ggiWmhResize(3)`. - change coords of `ggiWmhGetPos(3)` and `ggiWmhMove(3)` to behave as on display-x Changes in the port ------------------- - use USE_LIBTOOL_VER=15 to please portlint -A
Responsible Changed From-To: freebsd-ports-bugs->jylefort Take.
State Changed From-To: open->closed Committed with a few modifications, thanks!