Changelog : === version 0.9.24 * fix previous quota.cache.method fix (thanks to Markus Oestreicher) === version 0.9.23 * handle RFC 3834 Auto-Submitted header field * using libhome, the configuration file (home.conf) is open with starting user (root) privilèges * Should compile on MacOSX * install french UTF-8 locale on FreeBSD * fix: mysql quota.cache.method updates did change all users records intead of the concerned one (thanks to Markus Oestreicher) === version 0.9.22 * nothing === version 0.9.21 * fix permissions for notifications in shared folders * fix double memory freeing in shared folders === version 0.9.20 * add configuration directive to tell which charset is in use for a filter file. It's currently not used but should be by the vacation system in a near future - Update to 0.9.24 Generated with FreeBSD Port Tools 0.63
State Changed From-To: open->closed Committed, thanks.