The package list is incorrect while using NOPORTDOCS. Fix: I attached three patches. The file 'patch-Makefile-always-with-manpages' causes that manpages will always be installed regardless to NOPORTDOCS. This is what I would expect and recommend. The second file 'patch-Makefile-without-manpages' is an alternative to the first patch and follows the maintainer's intention to don't install manpages if NOPORTDOCS is defined. Then you don't need to declare manpages at all. The third file 'patch-pkg-plist' fixes the package list as regards the manual files which won't be installed if NOPORTDOCS is defined. #### 1 ########################################################### #### 2 ########################################################### --- Makefile.orig Thu May 19 15:55:21 2005 +++ Makefile Thu May 19 15:56:24 2005 @@ -39,8 +39,10 @@ MANPAGE_SUBDIR= apache-ant-manpage MANPAGE_WRKSRC= ${WRKSRC}/${MANPAGE_SUBDIR} +.if !defined(NOPORTDOCS) MAN1= ant.1 MAN5= build.xml.5 +.endif do-patch: @${CP} ${FILESDIR}/ant ${WRKSRC}/bin/ant --- patch-Makefile-without-manpages ends here --- #### 3 ########################################################### How-To-Repeat: # cd /usr/ports/devel/apache-ant # make -DNOPORTDOCS package
Responsible Changed From-To: freebsd-ports-bugs->hq I'll handle this.
State Changed From-To: open->closed Patch commited. Thanks for your contribution!