An FTP server that I must mirror does not place the content into a subdirectory such as "pub". I can't know a priori what files and directories are in the top level directory. Leaving off the -r flag causes this error: fmirror: remotedir not set Using -r . or -r / causes output like this: 01:45:21 . @ -> . 01:45:21 Connecting to 01:45:21 Connected. 01:45:23 Remote timezone: 420 minutes from GMT 01:45:23 Operation failed: 553 Permission denied. 01:45:23 Could not CWD to '..', aborting The authors' emails bounce, and the maintainer does not respond. Fix: Here's a minimal fix that lets me use "-r /". Another would be to no longer require -r. How-To-Repeat: Use -r . or -r / or leave -r off.
State Changed From-To: open->feedback Awaiting maintainers approval.
Responsible Changed From-To: freebsd-ports-bugs->barner I'll handle this.
State Changed From-To: feedback->closed Committed, thanks.