Add to ocaml's port 2 options and take maintainership, since OCaml port has none. First, WITH_COMPILER_LIB, in order to install compiler libs (additionnal libs needed to build programs manipulating OCaml modules, like the ocaml/cduce interface for example.) Second, WITH_OPT_DEFAULT, telling the port to replace ocamlc and other tools by there native and faster version (ocamlc.opt and other) (bytecode version are preserved under the name [tool_name].byte, .opt version are also preserved.)
State Changed From-To: open->feedback 1) Since compiler libs are needed to build other ports, it would be better to have it defined by default, and to replace .if defined(WITH_COMPILER_LIB) by .if !defined(WITHOUT_COMPILER_LIB) 2) When installed as a port with WITH_OPT_DEFAULT, optimized code is a link; however, when installed as a package, the code is duplicated: '@exec ln' should be used.
Responsible Changed From-To: freebsd-ports-bugs->thierry Take it.
State Changed From-To: feedback->closed Committed, thanks! Note: with some modifications (.for / .endfor). WITH_OPT_DEFAULT not removed, since it is not activated by default.