When adjusting the volume in XMMS on an amd64 system, a warning message similar to the following is printed: WARNING pid 88402 (xmms): ioctl sign-extension ioctl ffffffffc0044d00 WARNING pid 88405 (xmms): ioctl sign-extension ioctl ffffffffc0044d04 Fix: Apply the following patches from multimedia/beep-media-player/files to XMMS during the patch phase of the build: patch-Output-OSS-mixer.c patch-Output-esd-mixer.c How-To-Repeat: Install XMMS on an amd64 system, and use its volume controls.
State Changed From-To: open->feedback Forward PR to maintainer.
Dear submitter, About this PR: http://www.freebsd.org/cgi/query-pr.cgi?pr=82618 Can you send attached patches again? Your send-pr do not attach patches. Thanks -- Marcus Alves Grando Grupos Internet S/A marcus(at)corp.grupos.com.br mnag(at)FreeBSD.org
State Changed From-To: feedback->closed Committed. Thanks!