Update to 3.5.2 cvs-snap of 20050725.0800: BUGFIX: Multiple descriptors leaks fixes. Notable new features: + LDAP Verification + Unified Spam Alias / UID in Signature Support + Integrated Clam A/V Support + Markovian Discrimination (CRM114) + CRM Sparse Spectra Storage Driver (css_drv) + drop local patch to put X-DSPAM-User in all emails. + some performance changes in PGSQL schema + BUGFIX: SQLITE purge scrip for 3.x + BUGFIX: correct usage of RC_SUBR on 4.x [1] With some help and pushing from: Jens Holmqvist <zparta@hispan.se> Elliot Finley <efinley@efinley.com> [1] Alexandr Smirnov <phpclub@rambler.ru>
The file files/o-patch-dspam.c should not hit the cvs (so files/patch-dspam.c should be deleted from cvs). -- IOnut Unregistered ;) FreeBSD "user"
Responsible Changed From-To: freebsd-ports-bugs->lawrance Take
State Changed From-To: open->closed Committed, thanks!