Under some strange conditions - running rxvt 2.6.4 or rxvt 2.7.10 with the fluxbox windowmanager under Xvnc, some strange character is set as ERASE2 control character. Sometimes it's ^@ but usually I get H (plain shift-H). stty -a shows: erase2 = H It is quite annoying I must admit :-) Fix: In get_ttymode function struct ttymode_t* tio is not initialized correctly, random character is taken as ERASE2. The patch is trivial: for x11/rxvt (rxvt 2.6.4) [Replace existing files/patch-ad] for x11/rxvt-devel (rxvt 2.7.10) [ new file files/patchs-src::init.c]
Responsible Changed From-To: freebsd-ports-bugs->lioux Over to maintainer
This patch made its way into upstream CVS. http://sourceforge.net/tracker/index.php?func=detail&aid=1253606&group_id=221&atid=100221 Therefore it should not be needed for the next rxvt release (whenever one comes). -- << Marcin Cie¶lak // saper@system.pl >>
State Changed From-To: open->closed Committed. Thanks!