Update to version 1.7.8 Entry to ports/UPDATING: ----------------------- Important changes for upgraders: * /usr/local/etc/pvpgn/sql_DB_layout.conf-sample: includes changes needed for the new "username" SQL field used to fix a MAJOR bug that shows up with case sensitive SQL engines (almost ALL non-MySQL engines); if you update to 1.7.8 YOU MUST update this file too if you have your accounts on SQL * /usr/local/etc/pvpgn/bnetd.conf-sample: changed "servaddrs" directive to not be totally commented and be as ":" by default in bnetd.conf (if "servaddrs" is commented this means "bnetd" will not listen for b.net services at all) How-To-Repeat: --
State Changed From-To: open->closed Committed, thanks!