- Update to 2.6.9 - Add OPTION to Enable readline compatibility - Change tr to use [:lower:] and [:uppper:] because some locales produce wrong files .h
On Tue, Sep 13, 2005 at 12:49:36AM -0300, Marcus Alves Grando wrote: > - Add OPTION to Enable readline compatibility When you enable this option it installs headers, libraries and man pages which mimic those installed by readline. You don't have an update for the packing list which reflects these new files. In addition, this conflicts with the systems version of libreadline and with the devel/readline port, which is also not included in the update. I think this change should not be included in the update due to the conflicts, this option was turned off in the original port for a reason. The rest of the update looks good though :). -- Greg Lewis Email : glewis@eyesbeyond.com Eyes Beyond Web : http://www.eyesbeyond.com Information Technology FreeBSD : glewis@FreeBSD.org
Responsible Changed From-To: freebsd-ports-bugs->garga Grabbed.
State Changed From-To: open->closed Committed. Thanks!